Category Archives: Grundlagen
Financial analysis made easy (and quick!)
Time Diversification
Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research: Time Diversification and Horizon-Based Asset Allocation
Finanzlinks (12.6.2015)
Rebalancing How to Know “When You’ve Arrived” as a Trader (Exellent!)
Intro to Hedge Funds
Hedge funds intro: Overview of how hedge funds are different than mutual funds
Relationship between bond prices and interest rates
Relationship between bond prices and interest rates: Why bond prices move inversely to changes in interest rate
Introduction to Bonds
Introduction to bonds: What it means to buy a bond
Market Value of Assets
Market value of assets: Market value of assets.
Is short selling bad?
Is short selling bad?: A discussion of the virtues and/or vices of short selling.
Die besten Konten für Tagesgeld
Achtung: Die besten Angebote kommen meist von Banken mit schwacher Bonität. Lassen Sie sich von diesen nicht blenden… Ihr Guthaben unterliegt der Einlagensicherung und ist für Anbieter mit einer Banklizenz innerhalb der EU bis 100.000 Euro pro Institut gesetzlich abgesichert. … Continue reading